Well there's only 2 months to go and I just got my second Partnership report. I'm halfway to my goal!!!!!!! As always, thank you to everybody who has joined me thus far. To those of you who have not, I put the link at the bottom of the page so check it out. But it is so incredibly exciting to watch this becoming even more and more of a reality. This time last year I was in Central America, and while I thought about NET a few times I did not think it would actually happen. Even half a year ago I had very little certainty other than a voice in the back of my mind telling me I would go. Now I am two months out and cannot wait to meet both the people I will be serving and the people I will be serving with.
Now I am a big reader. Even before I found out that I would be accepted into NET I found a few Irish books that I just had to get my hands on. One of these is a book on the older Celtic Saints and missionaries. It's pretty cool learning a little about all the people who have helped shape Ireland to what is is today, but even more interesting is the number of missionaries they sent out in the first millennium. There was a whole chapter dedicated to the multiple abbots and sisters who traveled to mainland Europe and built monasteries. Ireland had so much influence on the Christianity of Western Europe, which in turn influenced Christianity in the Americas and other places in the world.
Now it is my turn.
I am a reverse missionary. These places have been Catholic for some time, but as Pope Saint John Paul II continuously said they need a New Evangelization. Now the people who have given so much need something in return. I am by no means the first and I know I will not be the last. But just like God worked great things through the missionaries who left the island, He will work great things through me and the other missionaries who return.